"...mystery in a luminous word..."

Author Writer Teacher Speaker
Frode invokes the orphic poets, Hart Crane, and—“my hand in yours”—Walt Whitman, speakers of The Word, the epic minstrel conductors into the literary intellectual od—Steinbeck, LeClezio, Cormac McCarthy.
Once a Trappist monk who discovered himself living out Hesse’s archetype of Goldmund with his Narcissus, Frode has been a writer and public school teacher of the English word for 35 years. He married his Aztec princess, built two houses, plays alternative country and bluegrass guitar and uke, bakes bread, and helps tend their prolific garden. He has published three collections of his short stories—A Dream of India & Other Mystic Stories of Radiance and Darkness, One Times One & Other Numinous Stories of Redemption and Loss, and Dreaming of Fish & Other Apocalyptic Stories of Foreboding and Grace, his memoir, I Am Goldmund: My Odyssey with Narcissus, which recounts his amazing 40 year friendship with the monk who has always been his Narcissus, and most recently, The Garden: Perennial Reflections on Beginnings and Ends.
Frode, his wife, and family live near Boise, Idaho, not a religious or political paradise, but still a wonderful place to go white water rafting, eat too much in outdoor cafes, dance your downtown butt off till 2 am any night of the week, and see the clear night sky as the ancients did.