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Put Yourself in a Healing Setting

"Have you noticed how your body heals itself without your conscious effort and intention? Gardens heal themselves in their own natural ways too. Old flowers drop off and new ones grow to take their place. Plants recover and thrive after proper (and even the most severe) pruning. Plants can mend themselves after drought, heat, cold, wind, and lack of care. Plants can be transplanted from one place to another and continue growing and thriving. Perennial gardens rebuild and renew themselves every spring. Companion symbiotic plantings can support and heal neighboring plants. There is a tendency of nature and natural systems to return themselves to a harmonious, balanced state. Put yourself in a setting in which your organism can best balance and harmonize itself. Making and tending a garden is a good place to allow and encourage that healing to take place."

From my The Garden: Perennial Reflections on Beginnings and Ends Chapter 42 Healing

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