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Good For Nothing

"Gardening humbles a person pretty damn fast! The dirt you are going to plant in to create your pastoral sanctuary is so hard with river rock or clay that you throw your sacrum out and are begging the chiropractor for an appointment. Are you actually thinking of hiring someone to dig the holes? Oh, the shame! The bags of dirt you begrudgingly have the teenager at Home Depot load into your SUV rise up on your way home and loom like infidels in your mind when you realize that you, yes, you, will have to unload each of those dozen 2 cubic feet bags of Garden Soil and then put them somewhere, where in God’s name?, and your wheelbarrow is good for nothing except making your neighbors think you really do have a garden."

From my The Garden: Perennial Reflections on Beginnings and Ends Chapter 54 Humility Again

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